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The part you play in making the news is very important. Whether it is breaking news or a featured item, your contribution can make a difference.
Have you seen or been involved in a news event.
Is something significant, bizarre or unsual happening where you live?
Have you got a story to tell or is there something you think we should follow up?
Are there topics you want to get the world talking about? On what do you want to comment? Or do you want to find out what others are talking about?

* Local stories — people, places and events — that are unique to the Long Beach area.
* Sports news about games, team registrations, tournaments and other activities.
* Entertainment venues, special events, family activities and other amusements.
* All news releases should contain the organization’s name and address, along with the name and daytime phone number of the individual to be contacted in case more information is needed.
* Consider sending an electronic press release via email. Paste the text into the message field rather than sending an attachment that may not be compatible with the programs in use at the Press-Telegram.
* Sports news about games, team registrations, tournaments and other activities.
* Be concise. News releases, as a rule, should not be longer than 1½ pages, double-spaced.
* Be aware of submission deadlines. Most publications like material at least two weeks before the event. It can never get there too early.
When speed is of the essence, contact our city desk at +256 393 208830 . Other press releases should be e-mailed to If requesting coverage of an event, be sure to contact us at least a week in advance.
Write your story below and add up to four pictures. Tell us what happened, who was involved, where and when it happened.